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Customer Survey

Have feedback to give to Link Controls? We constantly strive to improve the level of service and quality of our products and welcome you to fill this survey out to enable us to achieve this goal. If you have any questions regarding this survey please contact us using the contact page.

1. How would rate the level of Pre-Sales service and efficiency with which your order was processed?
2. How would you rate the technical instructions you recieved for the product(s) you purchased?
3. How would rate the satisfaction of the quality of the product(s) you purchased?
4. How would you rate the 'Order to Delivery' time compared with suppliers of similar products?
5. How would rate the level of service you received regard your purchase(s)?
6. How would you rate the overall satisfaction on your purchase?
7. How would you rate the range of products & accessories compared with suppliers of similar products?
8. How would rate the price and availability of products and accessories compared with suppliers of similar products?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We constantly strive to improve the level of service and quality of our products and welcome any comments you would care to make to enable us to achieve this goal. Alternatively, any questions you would like answered may also be entered in the space provided
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Contact Info
A: Stuart Road, Manor Park, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 1TSOpen Hours (Monday to Thursday): 8:30am-17:15pmOpen Hours (Friday): 8:30am-16:00pm

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